Vicki Davies

Areas Covered
Widnes, Runcorn, Warrington, St Helens, Liverpool, Chester

Hello and welcome to the world of 'Love Your Labour; with Vicki the Doula'!

Congratulations on the beautiful news of your pregnancy, and for starting off your research to find yourself a Doula. I'm Vicki the Doula and I live in Widnes, North West. I am a full time Massage Therapist, so I love massaging and pampering ladies and especially love to chat with pregnant ladies. Over the last few years, I followed a very beautiful journey developing many connections with pregnant and postnatal families while working as a massage therapist, reflexologist, baby massage instructor and now doula. I have seen many experiences of birth trauma and postnatal depression after starting my baby massage classes, and have learnt how connections, listening, holistic knowledge & community can help to support this. Since then I have found my love for working in the birthing world. There will never be a better feeling than helping someone to envision their dream birth, and then helping them to make it a reality.

As your doula, I will always focus on you and your choices through your birth, whatever they may be! Helping your family to relax and having an opportunity to 'love your labour' is my passion. I can work with you to use relaxation and pain relief techniques to make it an enjoyable experience for you (experience as a massage therapist help here!). For example massage, rabozo, aromatherapy, reflexology, heat therapy, tens machines, lighting, holistic music, etc. Most of all, I will be present for you and listen to you while you experience this life changing moment.

Finding a doula and a new connection to join you on this journey may seem daunting. At the end of the day, this may be the most vulnerable experience you may have had in many years. But don't worry, we can start by meeting for a little coffee, or I can pop to your home to chat all things pregnancy, birth and you. This will help us to see whether we connect well and will give you an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Whether you choose me as your doula or not, just know that you can do this and are already so powerful! Drop me a text on the number below and we can arrange a call or meet up!

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Vicki xx

Contact number: 07889538264

Social media:




Doula UK
Doula Network