July Birth and Postnatal in Rosslyn, Scotland, 3 in-person & 3 online sessions with Kate

Join Kate in a fabulous house right next door to the magical Rosslyn Chapel in Edinburgh for 3 days of in-person learning, with 3 further online sessions. Saturday July 12th, Sunday July 13th and Monday July 14th from 9.30am to 6pm. Additional online sessions of 2 hours each on August 9th, 16th and 23rd from 10.30am to 1pm. This course is Doula UK accredited and you will be able to start practice immediately afterwards. Free parking opposite the house.
Course dates
Full payment due
Available places
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The Curriculum includes

  • Why train as a Doula/Birthkeeper?
  • Reflecting and debriefing of our own Birth stories and exploring our inherent attitudes around Pregnancy, Birth and Mother/Parenthood.
  • The role of Doula in a historical light and modern day context.
  • What it means to be ‘on call’ and how to prepare, in practical, physical and emotional ways.
  • Boundary setting within your Doula Practice.
  • Counselling and listening skills; how to ‘read’ non-verbal ques and approach vulnerable subjects.
  • Being an advocate and tools for non violent communication.
  • An In-depth session on the Stages of Labour including the physiology of birth and the interplay of Hormones within the labouring and birthing process.
  • Working with your local healthcare team.
  • Birth ‘Plans’: tool of focus or potential for disappointment?
  • Pain relief used at home and in hospital.
  • Alternative pain relieving methods from  cultures and traditions around the world.
  • When things don’t go according to ‘plan’.
  • Birth preparation methods.
  • Birth companionship and how to help; including Active birth positions, Acupressure techniques, massage for labour and birth, use of herbs and homeopathy and breathing ‘techniques’.
  • Birth companionship and the Art of Doing Nothing.
  • The rise of the Freebirth movement 
  • Digital and ‘In your pocket’ Doula models 
  • Where do I begin? Ideas for those first Prenatal / Postnatal sessions.
  • Postnatal Doulaing…what might we offer? Walking new parents home to their power, rather than ‘teaching’, signposting, feeding support.
  • Self nurturing and co-support for us!
  • Networking and working with backups.
  • How to set up your practice, set fees and attract clients
  • All of our courses have a small piece of reflective pre-coursework for you to complete, but not to hand in, just to initiate a reflective practice and then 3 short pieces of post-coursework which are to hand in, but can be completed by voice note, artwork or in writing.

Our Birth and Postnatal Doula Training Courses offer

  • An informal, relaxed but rich learning environment, which is emotionally safe, fun and confidential
  • A fully comprehensive folder, with information on many aspects of Doulaing and the childbearing year, references, thought provoking articles and much more
  • Full Certification
  • Personal tuition and time to address any issues raised, with a one-to-one meeting, upon request
  • The opportunity to join Doula UK and / or Conscious Birthing. 

It really was an absolutely fabulous week, giving me so much food for thought and surpassed all my expectations. Like I said to you on the last day I don't remember ever feeling so inspired! The way you enabled us to learn, reflect and gain knowledge was brilliant. Being taught by you in such a safe, warm environment really was a privilege.- Fran.



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